Saturday 29 September 2012


 My aim with these little charms which can be ordered as ornaments, pendants and more was to make something collectible, cute and aesthetically pleasing but to at the same time raise awareness for mental health issues. I have many more to add to this collection including a binge eating blackberry, a gambling addicted grape and a pyromaniac pumpkin. I really hope you like them as I have fallen in love with them all.                       


  Clinically Depressed Coconut
Diagnosis: Clinical Depression
             Needs: Reminders to take his medication and a friendly ear.

Anorexic Apple
Diagnosis: Anorexia Nervosa
Needs: Gentle encouragement during mealtimes.

Paranoid Pineapple -
Diagnosis: Paranoia.
Needs: Constant reassurance and a place he feels safe.

Exhibitionistic Eggplant.
Diagnosis: Exhibitionism
Needs: Constant supervision and to be kept away from children.

Body Dysmorphic Bananna
Diagnosis: Body Dysmorphia
Needs: To be kept away from mirrors and help to understand the root causes for his illness.

Trichotillomaniac Tomato.
Diagnosis: Trichotillomania (the compulsive urge to pull out ones hair)
Needs: To be kept calm and taught distraction techniques.

Friday 28 September 2012

Magic Rainbow Unicorm

Cute little Doggy Earrings

English Rose Necklace

In Case Of Emergency Break Glass Necklace

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Bracelet

Little Punk Boy with Diamands in his Eyes

Personalised Etch a Sketch

Miniature Junk Food Ring